

Ombuds Process

The Wipro Enterprises Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (COBCE) provides the ethical guidelines and expectations for conducting business on behalf of Wipro Enterprises (P) Limited, its subsidiaries and associate companies. The COBCE applies to all – employees, board of directors and those engaged on contract. Any individual or the company that serves an extension of the Company is bound by the COBCE. They too are expected to adhere to it measure while working for and on behalf of Wipro.

The COBCE is in accordance with Spirit of Wipro, our core values. The Spirit of Wipro is beacon. It gives us a clear direction and a sense of purpose. It is the touchstone for all that we do.

Business principles link: https://wiproenterprises.com/cobce/

OMBUDS policy link: https://wiproenterprises.com/ombuds-policy


You may raise a concern by email to:

Wipro Consumer Care (LDW) Sdn Bhd –Jason Lau, Email : jason.lau@wipro-ldw.com
Chairman of Audit Committee of WEL – Suresh Senapaty, E-mail : suresh.senapaty@wipro.com